Create a Hyper Engaged Facebook Community with Jill Stanton

(This is a replay of the live broadcast with Mimika Cooney and Jill Stanton of ScrewTheNineToFive)

Guest Bio:
Jill and Josh Stanton are the co-founders of Screw the Nine to Five – a little slice of the internet where anyone with a penchant for living life on their own terms can come and connect with other rebellious rule-breakers.

Jill Stanton website
Jill on Facebook
Jill on Twitter

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76 Responses

  1. 1. Poll 2.Blog post (lead magnet) 3.Hyper relevant lead magnet inside that lead magnet/blog thats an opt in 4. Re-target on FB Ads if they don’t opt in inside the blog post 5. then when they opt in offer them discounted offer 6. then offer bigger subscription to membership/course